National plan for Science and Technologies

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About Strategic Technologies

The program is supported by the strategic technology at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, sponsored by the Deanship of Scientific Research University is one of the components of the national plan for science, technology and innovation, the plan has identified eleven key strategic technology for the development of the Kingdom of the future. Has led the King Abdulaziz City planning initiative of eleven technology within its responsibility for planning, coordination and implementation of science and technology policy in the Kingdom. In addition to the eleven area that have been identified during the preparation of the national plan for science, technology and innovation, has developed a plan of mathematics and physics techniques so as to enhance targets and plans for the following twelve priority area:

دليل البرنامج المختصر

Program Guide Summary

تفاصيل المحاور

 Details Themes



البترول والغاز

Petrol & Gas



اتقنية النانو


التقنية الحيوية


تقنية المعلومات

Information Technology

الإلكترونيات والاتصالات والضوئيات


تقنية الفضاء والطيران

Space and Aeronautics

تقنية الطاقة




المواد المتقدمة

Advanced Materials

الرياضيات والفيزياء

Math and Physics

الطبية والصحية

Medical And Health

التقنية الزراعية

Agriculture Technology

تقنية البناء والتشييد

Building And Construction


Declaring Deanship of Scientific Research for the program hopes to faculty members and researchers to take this opportunity and take advantage of the possibilities offered by King Abdul Aziz City through this program to promote scientific research, refine and develop their research and promote excellence and fly to the level of the global aspirations of the ancient our university and our generous



Last Update
5/13/2012 10:43:43 PM