Prominent Humanities Research Project (PHRP)


KING ABDULAZIZ University is keen to continue promoting scientific research and researchers through a variety of supportive and encouraging means in order to enhance research output qualities and researchers performance. In this respect, KAU launched a set of initiatives and programs, each of which would be appropriate for specific categories of university members (postgraduates, new PhD holders, and senior experienced professors), with the ultimate goal of promoting university scientific research by enlarging the sector of beneficiaries.

The diversity of research programs-support has led to widening the choice among university researchers for participation regarding their appropriate fields of research. The great positive impact of this policy is due to the unlimited support of the KAU Supreme Direction.

In this context Deanship of Scientific Research is pleased to announce a new research program dedicated to support research in the field of humanities entitled "Prominent humanities research project". In this program, distinguished scientists in the fields of Humanities and Arts, from all over the world is invited to participate and co-operate with their local counterparts at KAU to post their research creations.

The Deanship of Scientific Research at KAU appreciates the participation of international colleagues at universities at different countries of the world. This ambitious program has been devised for establishing strong links with the scientific community abroad which would enhance the role of KAU staff members in regards to the advancement of scientific research.

Program Definition

It is a new program that enables a large sector of researchers in humanitarian faculties to participate and leading pioneer research with international scholars (in their respective fields) who have distinctive scientific papers in ISI journals. It's anticipated that such a program can help in the transfer of international experience and upgrade scientific research output to be published in ISI journals.

Program Objectives

1. Support faculty members in humanitarian colleges to participate in the international scientific research arena.

2. Highlight the outcomes of scientific research in these colleges through scientific publication in ISI journals.

3. Orientation towards global system through investment of faculty members potential and capabilities to communicate and establish links with international researchers.

4. Directing faculty members research efforts towards publishing in internationally recognized journals, which upgrade the university rank among the world classification of universities.

Targeted colleges

- Faculty of Economics and Administration.

- Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
- Faculty of Business in Rabigh.

- Islamic economics Institute.

- Humanity departments in the following faculties: Education, Community college, Home Economics, College of Science and Arts.

The research team

The number of local team should not exceed three faculty members (at least two of them should be Saudis), in addition to the international researcher with, at least, five publications per year, with at least two papers should be published in Thomson-Reuters-ISI journals.

Program application condition

1. The International researcher should not participate in more than two different research teams.

2. KAU staff member should not participate in more than two research proposals.

3. The international researcher reward is determined by the Research Committee at the Deanship of Scientific Research, on the basis of his CV, as outstanding research efficiency and publication in ISI journals.

4. The number of local researchers should not be more than three (two of them are Saudis), in addition to the International researcher.

5. A scientific paper issued from the project should be published in a journal classified within the list of ISI (Social Science Citation Index 2011).

6. Research proposals that exceed an assessment rate of 75% will be funded.

Time duration for the project

The research project does not exceed ten months, and the duration could be extended for an additional period based on the approval of the DSR Committee.

Application mechanisms

The project proposal could be submitted via e-mail ( respecting the program forms in the DSR website. The mail attachments should include:

1. Electronic file of the research proposal file in Word format.

2. Approval sheet signed by the dean of the college.

3. Researcher's commitment form, signed by the prime investigator (PI).

4. CV's for each of the research team (local and International).

Forms are available from the link:

Application Period: until 21- 8 – 2013.

For additional information, please contact by telephone number 6951711.

Last Update
4/13/2016 10:40:59 PM