Vice Deanship for Research Groups

About the agency

Research groups are considered one of the most important factors in advancing the process of scientific research in research institutions and the most successful in terms of transferring expertise to their organizers, because group research work is often of higher quality and more beneficial than individual work. In addition because it constitutes a research reference point in any institution, thus contributing to solving many pressing issues while creating an interactive climate among researchers and strengthening ties between them, in addition to building qualified research human cadres to carry out their duties. Accordingly, The Deanship of Scientific Research is adopting the method of forming research groups of a joint specialized nature, which will contribute to supporting the process of research projects. These research groups will also form the nucleus of distinguished research centers capable - with the help of God Almighty - of carrying out its research tasks to the fullest extent, as it is proposed to form research groups based on the number of specialists and available research laboratories, and each research group is headed by one of its members with experience and research excellence to be a link between the Deanship of Research
Scientific and research group, and priority in research services will be provided to researchers belonging to research groups in support of this trend, which will bear fruit in the near future, God willing.


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Last Update
1/1/2024 10:29:06 AM