Cognitive Excellence Awards

About the awards

King Abdulaziz University awards Knowledge Excellence Awards to researchers in all categories with the aim of improving postgraduate studies and scientific research at the university in form and substance by stimulating the spirit of competition among them to improve performance and provide the best in order to reach lofty goals. The following is an overview of the Knowledge Excellence Awards:

Publication award in Science and Nature

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence. It is given to the researcher(s) among the university’s employees and students who has published one of his scientific researches in one of the two distinguished international journals, namely (Nature) and (Science).
The award aims to motivate researchers to pay attention to improving their research and publishing it globally, and to encourage initiative and keenness to follow this from all faculty members at the university, which will achieve for them and for the university a global scientific presence, and the university hopes to increase this competition and the trend towards excellence.acadimic

Scientific publishing award

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence. It is given to the researcher(s) of the university’s staff who publishes one of his scientific researches in one of the scientific periodicals or journals classified internationally according to the Thomson Thomson Reuters Web of Science (ISI) classification, which classifies periodicals according to the impact factor. The journal's Impact Factor (IF). The award aims to motivate university employees to pay attention to improving their research and publishing it globally, which will have a great impact in encouraging and motivating university faculty members to advance scientific research through publishing in distinguished international journals, and will also achieve for them and for the university a global scientific presence.

Best Researcher Award

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence. It is granted annually to distinguished researchers from the university’s employees and is divided into four awards in the following fields:

1-Basic and life sciences
2-Engineering sciences and computer technology
3-Health sciences
4-Social and human sciences

Students and scholarships

Scientific publishing award for university students and scholarships

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence, as it is given to male/female university students, at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as university scholarships, if the paper derived from the student’s research is published in one of the peer-reviewed or internationally classified journals or scientific conferences according to the Thomson Reuters Web classification. of Science (ISI), which classifies journals according to the journal’s Impact Factor. The award aims to encourage university students and scholarship students to pay attention to improving their research and publishing it globally, and to ensure that all postgraduate students at the university follow this, which will achieve for them and for the university a global scientific presence.

Best Scholarship Award

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence, and is given annually to the best male/female scholarship student. The award aims to activate the distinguished research climate, advance the educational process and human knowledge, anticipate societal issues, and be creative in solving them, by encouraging university students to take leadership in scientific research because of its repercussions on the development of research and professional endeavor.

Research Citation Award

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence. It is given to the researcher(s) from the university’s faculty, who cite their scientific research published in internationally classified periodicals or journals according to the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (ISI) classification. The award aims to encourage researchers at the university. To pay attention to the quality of scientific research outputs, publishing in international journals, achieving global knowledge dissemination, raising the level of awareness of the importance of distinguished scientific research, and appreciating the university’s scientific competencies.

Authorship Award

The aim of this award is to support the writing of peer-reviewed scientific books written in Arabic and English and published internationally, regionally or locally, or chapters in a book published internationally, regionally or locally in partnership.

Translation Award

One of the King Abdulaziz University Awards for Knowledge Excellence. The aim of this award is to call for building bridges of cultural communication between peoples and activating knowledge communication between civilizations through the translation of a book or sections of a book from and into the Arabic language. This award also aims to revitalize the translation movement at the university in all branches of knowledge.

Technology Transfer and Industrial Model Development Award

This new award aims to support the transformation of the outputs of research, development and innovation into products with a social and economic impact and to achieve a return on investment in scientific research, which is one of the most important steps in developing the university and moving it toward a research university that serves society and the goals of the nation’s vision, as well as moving to internationalism and recognizing its capabilities internationally.

Graduate Studies Award

Best Doctoral Thesis Award

It is one of the new King Abdulaziz University Awards for Knowledge Excellence, and is awarded annually for the best distinguished scientific thesis for the doctoral level among university students. The award aims to raise the level of quality of scientific dissertations and instill a competitive spirit among graduate students and motivate them to conduct original and innovative research that contributes to community service, which enhances the improvement of the outcomes of the graduate studies and scientific research system at the university, by honoring and appreciating distinguished graduate students and developing their creative abilities in Producing scientific theses with the best scientific and formal level in their preparation and production in their final form, and they are divided into four awards in the following fields:

Basic and life sciences
Engineering sciences and computer technology
Health Sciences
Social and human sciences

Best Research Center Award

The award for the best research center at King Abdulaziz University is an extension of the process of excellence and creativity in a pioneering national scientific program that aims to develop the creative research energies and talents among the university’s faculty members and researchers, because of its impact on the development of scientific research and innovation, which are vital elements in achieving the Kingdom’s goals of During Vision 2030. Nomination for the award is based on the annual outputs of the centers in accordance with the comparison criteria stipulated in these regulations.

Prize branches

First Section: Award for the Best Center in Scientific Production and Innovation

Section Two: Best Center with Social Impact Award

Scientific Publishing Award in the Social Sciences

It is one of the King Abdulaziz University Awards for Knowledge Excellence. It is given to the researcher(s) of the university’s employees, as well as the university’s students or scholarship students, who publishes one of his scientific researches in one of the scientific periodicals or journals listed within the JCR Social Sciences according to the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (ISI) classification. ) which classifies journals according to the journal Impact Factor (IF).

The award aims to motivate faculty members, students and scholarship students working in the humanities and social sciences to pay attention to improving their research and publishing it globally, which will have a great impact in encouraging and motivating faculty members, students and scholarship students at the university to advance scientific research through publishing in distinguished international journals, and this is what achieves them and the university. A global scientific presence.

Distinguished Scientists Award at King Abdulaziz University

It is one of King Abdulaziz University’s awards for cognitive excellence. It is given to a researcher from the university’s staff who has been added to the list of distinguished HiCi scientists according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science (ISI). The award aims to encourage researchers at the university to pay attention to the quality of scientific research outputs and to publish in international journals. Publishing in international journals, achieving global knowledge dissemination, raising awareness of the importance of distinguished scientific research, and appreciating the university’s scientific competencies.

Patent and Scientific Discoveries Award

Obtaining the registration of patents and scientific discoveries guarantees the protection of the rights of researchers, and is considered a culmination of their scientific and innovative research excellence, as it adds a cognitive achievement that is reflected positively, when produced commercially, in achieving financial returns for the innovator or inventor, as well as a distinguished position for him and for the university, given what this constitutes. From a great scientific and research effort, the university is keen to honor those among its faculty members and graduate students who achieve that distinction and that status.

Granting recipients of national, regional and international awards

  1.  Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Award for Translation
    Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award in all specialties
    Islamic Development Bank Award
    Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud International Award for the Prophet’s Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies
    King Faisal International Award
    Serving Islam
      the sciences
      Islamic studies
    Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Water Award
    Zayed International Prize for the Environment
    King Hassan II International Water Prize

 List of international awards in foreign coutries

      AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Award
      AAAS Philip Hauge Abelson Award
      Abel Award ( Mathematics)
      ACM Turing Award
      Huntsman Award . G.A (Oceanography)
      AIA Gold Medal
      Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research/Lasker Foundation (US).
      Albert Einstein World Award of Science
      Alfred Noble Prize
      Archon X PRIZE (X Prize Foundation)
      ASM Awards
      Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
      Automotive X PRIZE
      Bcher Memorial Prize
      Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize
      Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology
      Charles Stark Draper Award
      Cole Prize Fröhlich Prize
      Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service
      Elmer A. Sperry Award (ASME)
      Energy Globe Awards
      Eppendorf and Science Prize for Neurobiology
      Fermat Prize
      Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Award.
      Global Environmental Citizen Award
      Inbev -Baillet Latour Award for Health- (Health)
      Internation Gairdner Awards
      International Cosmos Award
      IUCr Ewald Prize
      IUVSTA Prize for Technology & Science
      Japan Prize
      John von Neumann Theory Prize
      Kavli Prize
      Keio Medical Science Prize
      Kirk A. Landon-AACR Prize for Basic Cancer Research
      Kistler Award
      Komen Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction
      Louis and Artur Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases
      MAB Young Scientists Awards
      M. W. Beijerinck Virology Prize . (Virology)
      Marcus Wallenberg Prize
      Millennium Technology Prize
      Nierenberg Prize
      Nobel Prize
      Outstanding Young Investigator Award (Advance Materials)
      Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize (Germany)
      Pezcoller Foundation - AACR International Award for Cancer Research
      Pirelli Internetional Award
      Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water
      Ramanujan Prize
      Right Livelihood Award
      Robert Koch Prize (Germany)
      Schock Prize - Mathematics
      Shaw Prize
      SfN/AstraZeneca Young Investigator Award
      St. Andrews Prize for the Environment
      Stockholm Water Prize
      The Enrico Fermi Award
      The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize
      The Welch Award in Chemistry
      The World Food Prize
      Tony Kent Strix Award
      Tyler Award
      UNEP Sasakawa Prize
      UNESCO Science Prize
      Von Hipple Award


List of national awards

  1. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Award and Grant for Studies and Research on the History of the Arabian Peninsula is
  2. appreciation and moral and material encouragement for male and female researchers in encyclopedias specialized in the history of the Arabian Peninsula in its various aspects
    King Salman for graduate students in the history and civilization of the Arabian Peninsula
    King Salman Award for Disability Research
    King Salman bin Abdulaziz Award for memorizing, reciting and interpreting the Holy Quran for and girls
    Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Award for inventors and talented people
    King Salman Award for Young Entrepreneurs
    Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud International Award for the Prophet’s Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies
    Prince Nayef Award for Security Performance
    King Abdulaziz Quality Award
    King Abdulaziz Book Award
    King Abdulaziz Award for Scientific Research on Childhood and Development Issues in the Arab World
    King Abdulaziz International Competition
    Princess Seetah bint Abdulaziz Award for Excellence in Social Work

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Last Update
1/1/2024 11:22:27 AM