Research Strategic Construction

The Deanship of Scientific Research at King Abdulaziz University is honored by its responsibility for supporting and developing scientific research at the university, through planning in a systematic manner to determine the general objectives and specific results to be achieved within a specific period of time, and investing available resources according to priorities for scientific research, and coordination that ensures the optimal distribution of those resources, to ensure Achieving the maximum possible benefit. The work line strategy of the Deanship of Scientific Research emerges from the university’s third strategic plan to be consistent with its goals, activities and initiatives, and is integrated to achieve the goals of its performance indicators related to scientific research. Specifically, the strategic plan of the Deanship of Scientific Research is consistent with what is included in the second track of the university’s third strategic plan to support the research strategy, which is the track of graduate studies and scientific research, whose goals include effective contribution to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and national aspirations in building a knowledge economy society, and building and qualifying research competencies. Capable of creativity and innovation, increasing the number of distinguished researchers, achieving sustainability of scientific research, and enhancing and investing in the quality of scientific research. The strategic plan of the Deanship of Scientific Research is based on the following points:

- Taking into account achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030

- Aligning work plans with the directions of the Ministry of Education plan

- Compatibility with the university’s general strategies and directions

- Providing support for research services and motivational activities for faculty members and researchers at the university

- Updating mechanisms for determining scientific research priorities in accordance with national strategic objectives

- Encouraging increased production capacity for research published in highly rated journals

- Encouraging research cooperation for faculty members and researchers with highly cited international scholars

The strategic plan of the Deanship of Scientific Research works within the initiatives specified for scientific research in the university’s third strategic plan, which are as follows:

- Supporting distinguished scientific publishing in accordance with strategic research priorities

- Benefiting from the Knowledge Excellence Program in transferring knowledge and localizing technology

- Supporting citations for scientific articles for faculty members

- Supporting research in scientific disciplines with international achievements

- Qualifying faculty members to obtain local, regional, and international awards

- Evaluating and developing research centers and groups

- Supporting social and humanitarian research and community service

- Supporting applied research in the field of Hajj, Umrah and visiting

- Supporting applied research in the field of Islamic economics

- Supporting applied research in the field of water desalination

- Supporting applied research in the field of solar energy

- Supporting applied research in the field of groundwater

- Supporting applied research in the field of Red Sea sciences
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Last Update
1/1/2024 10:05:55 AM