Internal Research Programs

General programme

This program is directed to serve applied and academic research within the framework of scientific research priorities that serve the Kingdom’s development plans in accordance with Vision 2030

Researcher programme

It is a program support and encourage young post-doctoral scientific researchers and those holding the rank of assistant professor to highlight their research creativity, develop their skills in writing research projects and scientific papers, and managing research projects.

An outstanding scientific study that was quickly published

This program aims to improve the quantity and quality of the university’s scientific publishing, and raise its classification level, by conducting scientific research that is published in one of the classified scientifi journals (ISI), provided that this scientific paper is not linked to a previous research project or scientific thesis.

Knowledge Excellence Program

This program aims to audit and monitor data and control systems based on the university’s strategic goals and plans in th field of knowledge and scientific research, and to contribute to the development of knowledge, excellence and leadership in scientific and research research with prestigious universities and educational institutions around the world


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Last Update
1/1/2024 10:35:18 AM