Untitled 2 Untitled 2
Distinct Study Program

This program is directed to conduct scientific research resulting in publication scientific articles in Thomson-ISI journals with condition that the article is not related with previous research or thesis. 


: Terms and Conditions applying for the Program

1.       The research proposals must be submitted electronically through Abhathi Portal on the University's main website by entering user's Univ., ID and password.

2.       The research proposal applications must be completed in all respects, including attachments, and adhering fully with terms and conditions.

3.       Objectives should be formulated in a clear manner, consistent with the title of the proposal and researchers' experience.

4.       The expertise of researchers and scientific advisors should cover the areas of specialization as required by proposed research.

5.       The curriculum vitae of the research team and scientific advisor must be attached.

6.       The research proposal must be checked on iThenticate and it must be plagiarism free.

7.       Submitted research proposals will be checked for plagiarism to maintain international quality and arbitration standards.

8.       Principal investigators must inform DSR, if any changes occur in their phone numbers or emails.

9.       The project outcomes must be published ISI classified journals according to Web of Science JCR, Clarivate Analytics.


: Application form



Apply the program :


Last Update
1/24/2022 7:43:18 PM