Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
The impact of salinity on the growth of plants, corn, and beans fertilized Almikorraiza fungi.
تأثير الملوحة على نمو نباتي الذرة الشامية واللوبيا الملقحة بفطريات الميكورايزا.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Accumulation of soluble salts in the soil, such as sodium chloride, calcium carbonate and sodium sulfate and sodium and magnesium salts to reduce the cultivation of many plant species, particularly crops that can not afford to salinity. In this study, collecting samples of soil taken from Almttqh surrounding the group root of the plants of agricultural crops in the three sites of the province of Taif, as well as tack root root for the same crops, were separated with soil and place it in bags of polyethylene, and the aim was to study the presence of fungal spores and roots of dendritic injury in the roots of agricultural plants in the province of Taif, the study also included the revitalization of germs and breeding and testing of the role it can play in plant resistance to salinity conditions. 1 - The present study confirms presence of dendritic root fungus spores naturally and in large numbers in the territory of the province of Taif. 2 - The study revealed contain the plant roots for all agricultural crops in the territory of Taif on a good percentage of fungi infection of dendritic roots, and this confirmation of the potential contribution of these fungi in improving plant growth under the conditions of the field. 3 - deduce from this current study that the fungi roots dendritic much of importance in the life of plant maize and beans which helped to increase productivity, and have improved from their growth and a resistance to salinity, one of the most important and most serious problems faced by agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And recommended the current study, building on what has been reached from the results, to work on the propagation of fungal root shrub in research laboratories and used in the form of the vaccine industry can be infected soil out, after the selection process for the best species that show high potential in bringing about the injury and improve the productivity of the plant host. 
Publishing Year : 1418 AH
1998 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1418 AH
1998 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
صالح محمد القرنيalqarni, saleh mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30070.docx docx 

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